Welcome to CWO3 John S. Trolinger Jr., USN, Retired WWW Site
Ahoy! You've found my web site.
For all of my former shipmates please feel free to drop me a line and
we can tell some sea stories.
Welcome Aboard.

on an insignia for more information

Master Chief Petty Officer
Radarman - Operations Specialist

Chief Warrant Officer W3
Operations Technician
Surface Warfare Officer
Combatant Craft Crewman

Small Craft Commander
Command Chief
Most of my career I served with the
Recruit Training Command
San Diego
USS OKANOGAN (APA 220) later (LPA 220)
Naval Inshore Warfare Command
USS TRIPPE (DE 1075) later (FF 1075)
Naval Education & Training Center Newport
USS CORAL SEA (CVA 43) later (CV 43)
Armed Forces Courier Station Subic Bay
Commander Carrier Group FIVE Staff
Naval Air Station Corpus Christi
Navy Retired
RCA Corporation - AEGIS
Shipbuilding Program
GE Company - AEGIS Shipbuilding Program

Lovely Wife Judy, who put up with it all, is the publisher of a family
"The SHELBY Exchange"
to Judy's Site
SHELBY Exchange
My Son David saw enough of the Surface Navy and decided to join the
Submarine Force
Link to David's Site
My son Mike saw enough of the Navy and decided to serve in the Police
Link to Mike's Site
Questions, Comments,
and Shipmates Contact the author at John@trolinger.com

Last update 5
Nov 2006

Master Chief Petty Officer (MCPO) (pay grade E-9) is the senior enlisted
petty officer in the United States Navy; as such, the MCPO is vested with
special command trust and confidence extending to administrative and managerial
functions involving enlisted personnel. The MCPO is the senior technical
manager within a rating or occupational field with primary responsibilities
for managing and training enlisted personnel oriented to system and subsystem
operation, maintenance, and repair; based on wide ranging experience, specialized
training, proven performance, and technical knowledge; individuals of that
rate within a command hold the senior enlisted positions and contribute
to forming as well as implementing policy within their occupational field
or across the full Navy rating spectrum.

Specialists (OS) function as Plotters, Radiotelephone, and Command and
Control internal communications talkers; maintain Combat Information Center
(CIC) displays of strategic and tactical information; operate surveillance
radars, identification systems, data link, and associated equipment; interpret
radar presentations, evaluate tactical situations, and make recommendations
to superiors during watch conditions; implement and monitor security procedures;
apply current doctrine and procedures to CIC operations as specified by
U. S. Navy Instructions and Joint, Allied, and U. S. Navy publications;
procure, correct, use, and stow navigational and oceanographic publications
and charts, and apply current doctrine and procedures to radar navigation;
provide technical information and assistance during Surface Warfare, Air
Warfare, Submarine Warfare, Amphibious Warfare, Mine Warfare, Naval Surface
Fire Support, and Search and Rescue operations; provide technical information
and advice on capabilities, limitations, reliability, and operational readiness;
perform assigned mission organizational level maintenance of Command, Control,
Communications, Computer and Intelligence Systems; operates multiple tactical
digital information links; directs the tactical integration of joint inter-service
data link operations, controls communications, overall track processing,
sensor information correlation and data link integration within the theater
of operations; resolves link operation problems and communicates joint
hierarchy interface faults to higher authority; provide air traffic control
services in radar air traffic control facilities and fleet area control
and surveillance facilities; controls/supervises control of aircraft in
tactical operations; operates/supervises operation of radar, NTDS, communications
and associated equipment in the exercise of air control functions; participates
in search and rescue and aircraft in-flight emergency operations; operate
and navigate unmanned aerial vehicles during the en-route, mission, and
return phase of flight; train and supervise personnel; and perform administrative
tasks. Senior Operations Specialists assists Commanding Officer and Tactical
Action Officer on choice of tactics and weapons employment in all naval
warfare areas; coordinates combat information from detection to engagement;
ensures correct positioning of aircraft in specified areas, air corridors
and approach or departure tunnels; supervises performance of sea combat
aircraft control; reports and assists in resolving tracking confusion;
performs tactical and administrative message drafting and develops training
scenarios to include time-line generation and training systems generation;
provides tactical, technical, administrative and training expertise in
all naval warfare areas.
Warrant Officers’ are technical officer specialists who perform duties
requiring commissioned officer authority; who are prior senior enlisted
with extensive experience, technical expertise, and knowledge; who are
qualified to direct the most difficult and exacting technical operations
in a given occupational area. The CWO is competitive among other Chief
Warrant Officers and not significantly effected by promotion, therefore,
amenable to successive tours.

Technicians’ are officer technical specialists designated for duty in the
operations, maintenance, training, and support of naval surface warfare;
OPTECHs’ are prior senior enlisted with extensive experience and
technical expertise; are technical specialists in the operation, employment,
and application of techniques, equipment, systems, and procedures in operations
and communications with practical experience in these areas; trains personnel
in the operation and maintenance of operations and communications equipment
and systems; plans, directs, and controls operations and communications
activities; assist and advise commands in operations and communications
planning, direction, and control, and in the employment and utilization
of associated facilities, installations, and equipment; organize, supervise,
and direct performance of operations and communications equipment; assist
in administration of on-board training programs, facilities, and services;
and perform administrative tasks.
Warfare Officers’ are officers designated for duty in the operations, maintenance,
training, and support of naval surface warfare; serves aboard surface ships;
perform general administrative and watch standing duties; through shipboard
assignments, acquires experience and exercises management in the occupational
areas of deck, engineering, navigation, damage control, weapons, and operations;
gains practical experience and exercises effective leadership; and conducts
routine administration. (Qualified officers are eligible to wear the Surface
Warfare Officer Insignia)

Craft Crewman are personnel designated for duty in the operations, maintenance,
training, and support of combatant craft; perform as combatant crewman
in the operation and maintenance of various combatant craft while operating
from coastal, riverine, and other restricted water areas; perform riverine,
coastal, and/or unconventional and special warfare operations in support
of fleet, unified, and specified commanders. The Combatant Craft Crewman
designation signifies a man is operationally competent and has acquired
additional knowledge that enhances the understanding of warfighting, mission
effectiveness, and unit survivability; qualification is based on demonstrated
specific combatant craft knowledge pertaining to combatant craft navigation,
communication, engineering, weapons, and deck systems capabilities; emergency
procedures and immediate action; and other mission essential tasks; train
and supervise personnel; and perform administrative tasks. (Qualified officers/petty
officers are eligible to wear the Combatant Craft Crewman Insignia)
Command Chief identifies the Chief Petty Officer who serves as the senior
enlisted advisor to the command in formulating and implementing policies
pertaining to the morale, utilization, and training of all enlisted personnel;
as such, the Command Chief has direct access to the Commanding Officer;
additionally, the Command Chief is responsible for carrying out established
command policy in specific areas as directed by the Commanding Officer
and Executive Officer. As the senior enlisted adviser he will be the principal
adviser to the commander on all enlisted matters. His responsibilities
include keeping the commander apprised of all matters affecting the health,
welfare, morale, effective utilization, and quality of life of the commands
enlisted members. He coordinates with staff agen cies, commanders, and
senior enlisted personnel on matters of administration and implementation
of command policy. The Command Chief takes precedence over all enlisted
members within a command. (The Command Chief is eligible to wear the Command
Chief Insignia)

Petty Officer in Charge directs the operation of river, coastal, and/or
unconventional warfare combat craft and crew which require a designated
petty officer in charge in accordance with Navy Regulations; conducts independent,
formation, and multicraft patrols and other combat operations; directs
handling of craft underway; directs tactical employment in accordance with
instructions, engaging enemy ashore or afloat; coordinates the activities
of his unit with other patrolling units or land forces as directed; assigns
personnel to stations and exercises military control as delegated; carries
out orders and directives of higher authority with respect to employment
of craft; ensures safety, combat readiness, cleanliness and proper maintenance
of assigned craft. (The officer/petty officer in charge is eligible to
wear the Small Craft Insignia)
Chief Warrant Officer of the Regular Navy who has completed at least 20
years of active service may be retired upon application (10 U.S.C. 1293).
The effective date of retirement is the first day of the month as authorized
by the Chief of Naval Personnel. Transfer to the Retired List of the United
States Navy is a permanent change of status and may only be changed by
resignation or discharge approved by the Secretary of the Navy. Retired
members are subject to the orders and regulations of the Secretary of the
Navy. Retirees’ may be ordered to active duty in time of war or national
emergency at the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy (10 USC 673 and
688). Upon written consent or request, may be ordered to active duty at
other times. In time of peace, the Fleet Reservist, persons with 20 but
less than 30 years of service, may be required to perform not more than
2 months of active service in each 4-year period. Retirees are subject
at all times to the laws, regulations, and orders governing the Armed Forces
of the United States. Officers are permitted to use their military titles.
They may wear their uniform from place of release to home after the date
of release and subsequently on occasions of ceremony as prescribed in U.S.
Navy Uniform Regulations.
(Retired Chief Warrant Officers are eligible to wear the United States
Navy Retired Lapel Pen)
of Merit: Awarded to a member of the Armed Forces of the United States
or of a friendly foreign nation who distinguishes himself by exceptionally
meritorious conduct in performing outstanding service.

Star Medal: Awarded to any person who, while serving in any capacity with
the Armed Forces of the United States, distinguishes himself by heroic
or meritorious achievement or service. Awarded with bronze “V” device for
valor in combat.

Service Medal: Awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the United States
or members of the armed forces of a friendly foreign nation who distinguished
themselves by outstanding meritorious achievement or service to the United
to home page
Service Commendation Medal: Awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the
United States who distinguished themselves by meritorious achievement or
Commendation Medal: Awarded to a person who, while serving in any capacity
with the United States Navy or United States Marine Corps, distinguishes
himself after by heroic or meritorious achievement or service. A 5/16-inch
gold star is worn on the suspension ribbon of the medal and on the ribbon
bar for each subsequent award. Awarded with bronze “V” device for valor
in combat.
Service Achievement Medal: Awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the
United States who distinguished themselves by outstanding performance of
duty and meritorious achievement.
Achievement Medal: Awarded to a person who, while serving in any capacity
with the United States Navy or United States Marine Corps, for meritorious
service or achievement in a combat or non-combat situation based on sustained
performance or specific achievement of a superlative nature. A 5/16-inch
gold star is worn on the suspension ribbon of the medal and on the ribbon
bar for each subsequent award. Awarded with bronze “V” device for valor
in combat.

Action Ribbon: Awarded to members of the United States Navy, United States
Marine Corps, and United States Coast Guard who have actively participated
in ground or surface combat. A 5/16-inch gold star is worn on the ribbon
bar for each subsequent award.
to home page

Unit Citation: Awarded in the name of the President of the United States
to units of the Armed Forces of the United States and co-belligerent nations
for extraordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy. The degree
of heroism required is the same as that which would be required for award
of a Navy Cross to an individual. A 3/16-inch bronze star is worn on the
ribbon bar for each subsequent award.

Meritorious Unit Commendation: Awarded in the name of the Secretary of
Defense to recognize outstanding heroism or achievement performed during
periods of war, international tension, national emergencies, or extraordinary
situations that involve national interests. It is intended to recognize
joint units and activities for exceptionally meritorious achievement or
conduct in the performance of outstanding service.

Unit Commendation: Awarded by Secretary of the Navy to any unit of the
United States Navy and United States Marine Corps which has distinguished
itself by outstanding heroism in action against the enemy; or to any such
unit which has distinguished itself by extremely meritorious service not
involving combat but in support of military operations. This award may
also be conferred upon units of the other branches of the Armed Forces
of the United States, and armed forces of friendly foreign nations serving
with the Armed Forces of the United States. The unit must have performed
service of a character comparable to that which would merit the award of
a Silver Star Medal for heroism or a Legion of Merit for meritorious service
to an individual. A 3/16-inch bronze star is worn on the ribbon bar for
each subsequent award.
to home page

Unit Commendation: Awarded by Secretary of the Navy to any unit of the
United States Navy and United States Marine Corps which has distinguished
itself, under combat or non-combat conditions, by either valorous or meritorious
achievement. This award may also be conferred upon units of the other branches
of the Armed Forces of the United States and of friendly foreign nations
serving with the Armed Forces of the United States. The unit must have
performed service of a character comparable to that which would merit the
award of a Bronze Star Medal, or Achievement Medal of like caliber in a
non-combat situation, to an individual. A 3/16-inch bronze star is worn
on the ribbon bar for each subsequent award.

Conduct Medal: Established by the Secretary of the Navy on 26 April 1869
to recognize the “all-around” good Navy enlisted person, well qualified
in all phases of conduct and performance. Within the required period of
active service, the individual must have a clear record (no convictions
by courts-martial, no non-judicial punishments, no lost time by reason
of sickness-misconduct, no civil convictions for offenses involving moral
turpitude). A 3/16-inch bronze star is worn on the suspension ribbon of
the medal and on the ribbon bar for each subsequent award.

Expeditionary Medal: Awarded to United States Navy service members who
have actually landed on foreign territory and engaged in operations against
armed opposition, or operated under circumstances deemed to merit special
recognition. A 3/16-inch bronze star is worn on the suspension ribbon of
the medal and on the ribbon bar for participation in each subsequent operation.
to home page

Defense Service Medal: Honorable active service as a member of the Armed
Forces of the United States for any period after 26 June 1950 to 28 July
1954, after 31 December 1960 and before 15 August 1974 or after 1 August
1990 and before 1 December 1995 or after 10 September 2001 and a date to
be announced. A 3/16-inch bronze star is worn on the suspension ribbon
of the medal and on the ribbon bar for participation in each subsequent
time period.

Forces Expeditionary Medal: Awarded to personnel of the Armed Forces of
the United States who participated as members of United States military
units in a U.S. military operation in which personnel of any military department
participate in significant numbers. During such participation, foreign
armed opposition, or are otherwise placed in such position that hostile
action by foreign armed forces was imminent even though such hostile action
did not materialize. A 3/16-inch bronze star is worn on the suspension
ribbon of the medal and on the ribbon bar for participation in each subsequent

Service Medal: Awarded to all members of the Armed Forces of the United
States serving at anytime between 1 July 1958 and 28 March 1973 in the
area defined for Vietnam or the air space thereof, and serving in direct
support of operations in Republic of Vietnam. A 3/16-inch bronze
star is worn on the suspension ribbon of the medal and on the ribbon bar
for participation in each campaign period or operation.

Defense Service Medal: Awarded to all members of the Armed Forces of
the United States serving at anytime between 28 July 1954 and a date
to be determined in the area defined for Korea or the air space thereof,
and serving in direct support of defense of the Republic of Korea.
to home page

Service Medal: Awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the United States
and their Reserve components who distinguished themselves as individuals
or as members of United States military units or ships by meritorious direct
participation in a significant military act or operation of a humanitarian
nature. A 3/16-inch bronze star is worn on the suspension ribbon of the
medal and on the ribbon bar for participation in each subsequent humanitarian
"E" Ribbon: Navy personnel permanently attached to and serving with cited
ships and units during the battle efficiency competitive cycle for which
the award was given, or any part thereof, are entitled to the award. The
award authority for the Battle ‘E’ resides with the Type Commander.
Service Deployment Ribbon: Awarded to officer and enlisted personnel of
the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps recognizes the unique
and demanding nature of sea service and the arduous duty attendant with
deployment; are assigned to U.S.homeported ships/deploying units or Fleet
Marine Force commands for 12-months accumulated sea duty or duty with Fleet
Marine Force which includes at least one 90-consecutive day deployment;
for United States Navy and United States Marine Corps personnel assigned
to overseas homeported ships/deploying units or Fleet Marine Force commands
with 12-months accumulated sea duty or duty with the Fleet Marine Force.
A 3/16-inch bronze star is worn on the ribbon bar for each subsequent award.

and Marine Corps Overseas Service Ribbon: Awarded to officers and enlisted
personnel of the United States Navy, United States Marine Corps and their
Reserve components recognizes the unique and demanding nature of such duty,
who serve 12-months consecutive or accumulated duty at overseas shore base
duty station, including deployed units and units homeported overseas. A
3/16-inch bronze star is worn on the ribbon bar for each subsequent award.
Republic Presidential Unit Citation: The Secretary of the Navy approved
the acceptance of the award for the Commander in Chief, Pacific Representative
Philippine Disaster Task Force and United States Disaster Task Force Manila
for the period 21 July 1972 to 15 August 1972.

of Vietnam Campaign Medal: Established by Republic of Vietnam (RVN) Armed
Forces to recognize service performed in Vietnam during the period 1 March
1961 to 28 March 1973. The Secretary of the Navy has specifically authorized
certain units of the United States Navy, United States Marine Corps, and
United States Coast Guard to accept the Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal.

of Vietnam Meritorious Unit Citation: Awarded by the Chief of the Joint
General Staff, Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces in two colors: Gallantry
Cross Medal Color with Palm (8 February 1962 to 28 March 1973) and the
Civil Actions Medal, First Class Color with Palm (1 January 1965 to 28
March 1973). The Secretary of the Navy has specifically authorized certain
units of the United States Navy, United States Marine Corps, and United
States Coast Guard to accept this award. The ribbon bar with frame and
palm are authorized for wear by personnel who served with certain cited
units in Southeast Asia during the approved periods. In addition to those
specific ships/units cited, all United States Navy, United States Marine
Corps, and United States Coast Guard personnel who served "in country"
Vietnam during the eligibility periods are eligible for both awards.
Award: For proficiency in a particular type of small arm. A marksman, sharpshooter,
or expert is a member in any rank, rate or rating who qualifies by firing
the prescribed pistol or rifle over one of the service prescribed courses
and has attained the minimum qualifying score. Marksmanship awards take
precedence immediately after all other awards earned. A ¼ inch bronze
“S” for sharpshooter or “E” for expert is worn on the suspension ribbon
of the medal and on the ribbon bar for the award.